What to Do When Horny: Tips for Instant Relief!

Feeling horny is just a part of life. Knowing what to do when horny is important. While it can be a pleasant experience, it’s much nicer to find relief from the horniness. Constantly feeling hot and bothered can lead to tension and frustration, and it can even make it difficult to focus on everyday tasks.
Luckily, there are plenty of solutions. Finding relief isn’t difficult, whether it means taking a long shower or opening the “fun drawer” of your nightstand. You can find relief in minutes, and best of all, your partner can help.
If you’re interested in learning more about what to do when horny, keep reading! We’ll cover both sexual and nonsexual ways to relieve tension.
Feeling Horny All the Time?
Unless you’re a teenager who has just hit puberty, it’s not the norm to feel horny all the time. If you do, some people may say that you’re lucky, especially those who struggle to feel horny at all.
But feeling horny all the time can have some serious challenges. It can cause feelings of tension, frustration, or even anxiety. The good news is that there are dozens of things you can do to help.
It’s Normal to Think About Sex!
Whether you like it or not, it’s completely normal to think about sex. Horniness isn’t something that you have to get rid of, although it can be inconvenient to feel horny at certain times. The perfect example is if you’re about to sit down for dinner with your parents. Awkward!
Sure, it’s normal to feel horny, especially if you’re going through puberty and your hormones are bouncing off the walls. We have tons of hormones coursing through our veins.
The ones responsible for sexual reproduction – estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone – play a large role in making us feel horny. These hormones are vital for our sexual health, both for reproduction and getting us “hot and bothered” before doing the deed.
When Too Much of a Good Thing Turns Bad
Too much of this good horny feeling can turn bad quickly, particularly if you’re experiencing these things:
- You’re unable to focus on your day-to-day activities and simple tasks.
- You’re feeling overly emotional, aggressive, frustrated, or tense.
- You’re thinking and dreaming about sex 24/7.
If any of these things apply to you, then it’s time to start thinking of ways to find relief from your horniness.
Ways to Combat Your Horny Feelings
If you’ve decided that enough is enough and the horniness has become too overwhelming, there’s a lot you can do to fix it.
Combating horniness is similar to combating anxiety. While it’s normal to feel anxious from our everyday stresses, too much of this can be overwhelming. That’s why so many people take up mindful practices like deep breathing, yoga, and meditation.
These practices can help with constant horniness as well. In addition to mindful practices like meditation and yoga, here are a few more things you can do:
Please Yourself with Masturbation
One of the easiest ways to satisfy those feelings is to please yourself. The saying “feed the beast” applies here, in which case the beast is your horniness and the feeding method is masturbation and self-pleasure.
Whether you use your hand, a vibrator or another fun sex toy is completely up to you. If you’re struggling to get the deed done and can’t find relief, you might consider watching porn or experiment with ass play. This generally works for most people, and it’s a fun way to relieve or at least reduce your horniness.
Ask Your Partner for Help
Why face the beast alone when you can have your partner by your side?! If you’re comfortable with asking your partner for help, go for it. This can be a lot of fun, and it’s definitely more fun than going at it alone.
Because you know your body better than your partner does, communication is key. Talk to your partner and walk him/her through your feelings. You can serve as the guide by telling him/her what works and what doesn’t.
Move Your Attention Elsewhere
Finding relief through sex or self-pleasure isn’t always possible. For example, if you’re at work or school it can be very difficult to slip away to the bathroom for some “me” time. In this case, distractions are a great tool for relieving horniness.
Not sure how to divert your attention away from sexual frustration? Here are a few recommendations:
- Take a brisk walk or hit the gym.
- Pick up a creative hobby like painting, photography, knitting, or coloring.
- Turn to music, either by playing an instrument or listening to your favorite playlist.
- Watch TV, scroll through TikTok, or stream your favorite movie on Netflix.
- Pick up your PS5 controller and play a video game.
- Pick up a pen and a journal and give creative writing a shot. Journaling is not just a good distraction, but it can also help you to get in touch with your feelings.
- Talk about your feelings, either with friends, family members, or psychology experts.
If You’re Feeling Horny, You’re Not Alone!
Just remember that you’re not alone in these feelings and it’s okay to use a vibrator anytime. Whether you’re 15 years old or 50 years old, it’s completely normal to feel horny. Sex is natural, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!
Unfortunately, feeling this way too often isn’t ideal. That’s why it’s best to find relief as soon as you can. This can be in the form of self-pleasure, consensual sex with your significant other, going for a walk, or hitting the gym.
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